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Halandi Madalane

For All The Boys Getting Married This Year!

There is such a thing as crazy love.

Sometimes you fall in love with someone so deeply that you become addicted to them. Even though you know they're harmful to you, you can't seem to get rid of them. And then there are those moments when you fall in love with someone excellent for you.

However, it simply...doesn't work out.

Because see.... I'm a master of crazy love, I'm well aware of this. I've been married four times, and each time the story was the same: I was completely infatuated with a woman and couldn't see straight.

I first married when I was 17 years old, and every year since then, I've been in one relationship or another that has led to marriage.

But here's the thing:

When your marriage gets to be around 5-6 years old, things are not going to be how they were at the beginning. You'll start to notice things about your partner that make you wonder why you ever loved them in the first place—and maybe even why they ever loved you.

And this is where crazy love comes in. You may start to realize that your partner isn't right for you and neither are any of their habits or personality quirks—but you still need them like air...

🤠 Uncle John Paul George


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