There are many great books out there for entrepreneurs to read. But I chose 10 specific books for teenage entrepreneurs.
The books fit with 10 different topics for you to study before you become an entrepreneur. They are also for teenage entrepreneurs that are already on the journey of becoming an entrepreneur and changing the world.
The 10 topics are clarity, economy, enemy, inspiration, strategy, playing hurt, long-term thinking, systems and duplication, and innovation.
So with that being said, let’s get right into it.
The number 10 Book
Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter Drucker.
He has a lot of great books you should read. If you study Peter Drucker, you will learn a ton about hiring-and-firing, marketing, strategy, and advertising. I don't agree with everything he believes in. But he has a lot of great insight that will help you think and be creative. He covers that in the book, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Book #9
Sam WaltonMade in America, is a book on systems and duplication.
It's the story of Sam Walton. When I talk to teenage entrepreneurs, Sam Walton is the one I say to study. There was nothing special about him. 1962 was the year of discount super stores. K-Mart, Wal-Mart, and Target all started at that time. In the first five years, K-Mart opened 250 stores and Wal-Mart only opened nine. Fast forward to today. K-Mart is essentially out of business and Wal-Mart has 2.2 million employees worldwide. Sam Walton has four kids. Each of them are worth a minimum of $40 billion today. If Sam Walton was alive today he would be worth $160 billion - two-and-a-half times Bill Gates' net worth. So you want to study Sam Walton because there's nothing special about the guy. He wasn't an absolute genius. He was a simple, hardworking guy that always looked for ways to make his business better. I considered putting this book in the top five, but it's number nine on the list.
Number 8
I chose this as one of the best books for teenage entrepreneurs because when you're young and looking at business, you think about what it would be like to get money from your parents or an investor. You think if somebody gave you a quarter million dollars, then you could start your business. And you haven't yet tasted the idea of making your money. Now if you're truly an entrepreneur watching this, and you're 13-years old, I guarantee you've made some kind of money. You've sold cookies, t-shirts or something. But if you became an accidental entrepreneur by watching videos like this, you need to learn these concepts and how to stay lean. When you stay lean, you will keep doubling your money. So the book The Lean Startup teaches you how to stay very disciplined.
Book Number 7
The Snowball, and you can listen here to find out why I chose it as one of the top books for teenage entrepreneurs.
Super Number 6
It's a great book by Ryan Holiday. In the book he explains the concept of stoicism. Stoicism is a philosophy born from cynicism. You've heard of the word, "cynic." That word comes from cynicism. Cynicism used to be a philosophy where people sat around and said, "Nothing good's going to happen." One of the cynicism members named Seneca essentially said, "I just can't listen to this crap anymore." He then started stoicism. The first major leader in the world that picked up stoicism and took it to a whole different level was Marcus Aurelius who wrote the book Meditations. Aurelius was the emperor of Rome for seven years. Everyone loved him. In the book, The Obstacle is the Way, Ryan Holiday takes the concept of stoicism and explains it in today's world of business. He explains that challenges are going to happen, but the obstacle is the way. I recommend this as one of the top books for teenage entrepreneurs because a lot of times when young entrepreneurs face one challenge or issue, they get distracted. They think, "This isn't for me. I can't do it." The reality is that the obstacles are never going to stop. The moment you identify that and know obstacles are a part of life, you'll look at them in a completely different way.
Book Number 5, 4, three, two and 1
These books can be found here and the reasons why every teenage entrepreneur should read them.
The moment you read any of these book, I challenge you to give it to people who disagree with it so you can hear their argument.
I challenge you to read it first, and then go to every single one of your teachers and say, "Have you read this book yet? It's causing a ton of havoc. I need you to read it and give me feedback, because I'm truly thinking about dropping out of college or not going to college after high school. Should I, or should I not?"
And let them give you their argument.
Let your parents give you their argument.
Now some of you may say, "Lin, you chose your own book as first place?"
I did.
The reason I did was because everything in life comes down to love.
A person can be very innovative, systematic and duplicatable, have a lot of discipline and long-term thinking, but still not have love. And the sooner you get love, the sooner you have an edge on everybody else and are able to attract good things.
So these are my top 10 books for teenage entrepreneurs.
The challenge that I want to give you is the moment you finish any one of the books, post a review on Amazon. Do this no matter which book you read. Just make it a habit because you can always go back and see what books you read and what you thought about them.
Amazon makes it easy for you to read all of your reviews.
The moment you finish the book and post a review, send me a Tweet. My Handle is @LinWrites. Send me a tweet and let me know what you got out of the book and we'll take it from there.
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