Today, on Health Mondays on Inanda FM, we learned all about Bipolar Disorder.
We learned that Bipolar is a chronic mental illness that causes shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels.
Symptoms are most severe in the manic phase, which can cause agitation, high energy, racing thoughts, reckless behavior, and delusions. The depressive phase has symptoms of low energy, withdrawal from others and activities, feelings of shame or guilt, sadness, and hopelessness.
We also learned that a person's environment can contribute to the development of bipolar disorder; living with a toxic person or dealing with the loss of a loved one or job can trigger it.
Dr. Za-za says that if you or anyone you know shows signs of bipolar disorder it's important to seek out help right away instead of self-diagnosing or using "Dr. Goo-gle."
She says there are treatment options available for those who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder including therapy sessions with a qualified mental healthcare practitioner like herself.
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