Halandi Madalane is currently part of the management, operations, and/or the distribution team of the following projects (as of 1 January 2022):
1. Halandi’s 2K22 Blog
2. Halandi’s #4GivGrowth Campaign
3. Khular Brand Management
4. Khularville (Micronation/ Virtual World)
5. Themall in Khularville
6. The Nuu Bookstor
7. The Daily Khular News (w/ Revue by Twitter Newsletter)
8. Khularville Digital Content Distribution Channels (K-DCDC Media)
9. Halandi’s 22-11 Books: We Have Something Incommon; 81873 – 2nd Edition; The Best Times from The Worst; 21+1 in 2022; and more
10. Dirty Thirties? Twenties Panties?
11. No Qualifications No Experience Employment Centre
12. Invest Blaq
13. The Idyllic Library of Khularville (links to Microwiki)
14. SkoolKhular
15. Club2K