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Halandi Madalane

How Virtual Influencers Help People Learn, Explore and Shop Online

As you may already know, avatars are also called virtual influencers, digital characters and online personalities.

Ten years ago, most people had never heard of a virtual influencer. Today, some savvy brands recognize the power that digital characters have in the real world. And some of the top marketers have private virtual influencers they use on an exclusive basis. Which means, trends can rise and fall very quickly in this space. I believe late adopters should be thinking about hopping into the space right now, not later.

Today is just as good as tomorrow.

On this list I focus on the top 10 virtual influencers that can help you improve your business, but no matter what area you're in, you can still use them for other possibilities such as increasing traffic to your site and improving the reach of your content by sharing it with thousands of like-minded influential people.

These are the people to stay ahead of if you want to be ahead of the curve in 2022.






Lu do Magalu (WORTH $96MILLION)

Takeaway: Following virtual influencers who are in similar niches and about to go mainstream can help you catch the wave early. The best part is you get to learn from them as they chart new waters online.

Thanks for reading.

If you are interested in learning more about creating your own Virtual Influencer or would like to learn how to best manage your Virtual Human, we welcome you to check out our course offerings at or contact me directly on WhatsApp 083-549-4181


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