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Sandile 'SG' Gumede

Lihle Natjma Speaking Today!

Young Teenage Author, Lihle Natjma Ngcobo, will be making an appearance during Crowd Control's eGaming Experience event hosted at our favorite local pizza house Mwari Pizza House in Kwa-Thema to talk about her award-winning book called Love Speaks Love Letters while raising awareness around mental health and self-love.

At the age of 16, the youngstar from Duduza, Lihle Natjma Ngcobo successfully wrote an award-winning book titled: Love Speaks Love Letters. This book was not only written well but also received an accolade at the Nal'ibali Reading for Enjoyment Awards (NREA) in January 2021. The NREA is an annual national awards ceremony that celebrates excellence in reading and writing.

This year's theme was 'Self-Love Self-Care Self-Wealth' which focused on the importance of stories and reading for pleasure in children's development and academic success.

Lihle Natjma Ngcobo will be making a short speech on behalf of herself, her book and how she thinks video games can be very therapeutic. She believes that video games are therapeutic and can also be used as a form of showing oneself self-care ritual or activity or hobby. Lihle Natjma Ngcobo is also rumored to be finally releasing her press and media kit so that she can network and hopefully “get my book on the local newspapers, African Reporter and The Advertiser…..and also get my voice on the local radio station, EKFM!”


Please spread the word.


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