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Miss Nicole Wilson

Zoluhle Consulting's CEO Gets Back Her Loan & Ready to Lend Another 10K to Another Entrepreneur!

Zibu Masotobe, CEO of Zoluhle Consulting, has recently gotten back all the money she lent to a good friend in need. The entrepreneur was excited to get her 10k back and has decided to pay it forward by lending out another 10k to a different entrepreneur.

Zibu Masotobe originally lent the money to an SMME friend who wanted to start their own business. However, after 2 years and no payment, Masotobe was beginning to wonder if she'd ever see her money again.

"I'm so excited to have that money back," Masotobe said on a Facebook post. "But please don’t even comment if you are going to keep it for 3 years with no growth, I might as well buy myself sneakers."

Now Zibu Masotobe is ready to share her blessings with other young entrepreneurs by offering another loan of 10k with interest— and the loan must be paid back within 24 months or less.

The application for the loan is still open, and President Halandi Madalane of Khularville has already submitted his proposal. "I'll use the money to purchase equipment for my company and pay for domain registrations for my websites," His Excellency President Halandi Madalane said in a statement.


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